
Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy New Year! New Hair :)

Heyy Beauties,

Happy New Year to all!! :)

So for the first blog post of 2013 I am going to show you my new hair color. I have been contemplating since last Summer to change my hair color, however I was quite scared because the color that I wanted is quite risky, needs maintenance and is not such a natural color.

However, for the new year I decided to just take the plundge and do it, so yesterday I went to my usual hairdresser. The following pictures are my hair before and after. Beware: there is quite a difference hehe.

Hair Old

Hair New

Before, I had a dark kind of brown, but then with washing it it became quite dull. The new color is between orange and red. At first I had quite a shock when looking at the result for the first time, but then I got used to it. I really like this color and I think it is quite unique.

What do YOU think?  I am very interested to know your opinions :)

Jessica :)


  1. i love it, you have such beautiful hair!


    1. Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback :)
